June Board Meeting
June 10, 2024, 6 p.m.
DOD Board Meeting Minutes
Innovation Hub – 942 Olive St. Eugene
June 10, 2024
Commenced 6:44 pm
1. Public Forum: Shawn Litson, Lori Sweet present. Adam Steffen: OMBC didn't meet recently. I
went to the Willamette Pass master plan open house: No mountain bike access until the liability
issue is resolved. They are also proposing two mountaintop restaurants and potentially opening
up five new lifts in their boundary area.
2. Position reports:
A. Chair (Lee): Trying to find bugs in new website before release. Making sure we have people
for MBO and Alpine Epic (formerly Cream Puff). Insurance is paid up for the next year.
B. Vice Chair (Austin Larson): Planned absence.
C. Treasurer (Chantal): We just paid for GoDaddy and web hosting. Going through financial
information now. Chantal to get signed minutes from Secretary after the meeting so she can
be placed on the DOD bank account.
D. Secretary (Jeff Green): Nothing new. Minutes sent out and approved.
E. Trail Work (Peter O'Toole): Eric has been working a couple weeks on Super Maple (Thurston
Hills). The trail re-shape is looking a lot better. Brushing season right now. The new
recreation planner for Whypass showed up during our non-permitted ride. He wanted to
meet us. I discussed with him what's been going on at Whypass. BLM botanist emailed me
and was interested in the management of scotch broom at Whypass.
F. PR/Marketing (Ben Hansen): I shared some things on Facebook and Instagram. Still looking
at a Mailchimp service - $20/month to start. We get a 15% discount for being a non-profit.
Board gave approval.
G. Rides/Events (Sean Fitzpatrick): Happy Ride at Whypass was a good turnout. Alpine Epic this
weekend – we're running the Windy Pass aid station 7-3 on Saturday. Need one more
person. MBO next weekend. Looking at putting together a Middle Fork ride for a July Happy
Ride – out and back ride. Also looking at a casual Wednesday night ride at WP.
Concluded at 7:51 pm